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The PAPAFAM Newsletter announces the release candidate for TypeScript 5.5, highlighting significant performance and size optimizations.
It also covers the recent meeting of the Ecma TC39 group, which advances the development of JavaScript.
An article explains techniques for composing JavaScript functions that take multiple parameters using partial application and currying.
The PAPAFAM Newsletter introduces 'Codemods,' an open-source platform that automates code migrations and refactors, and Pastel 3.0, a framework for building command line apps with JSX and React components.
Additionally, there's a piece on the React Compiler, which automates memoization, potentially eliminating the need for memo, useMemo, and useCallback.
There's also a guide on building a movie recommendations app with Next.js, a success story of Walker Lillard landing a six-figure job with PAPAFAM's help, and a book recommendation for "The 5 AM Club" by Robin Sharma, which details how early rising can lead to remarkable achievements.