Hey 👋
The PAPAFAM Newsletter begins with the release of React Native 0.74, a significant update that features the Yoga 3.0 layout engine and bridgeless mode as the default.
Following this, it introduces FullStack-kit, a starter template for Next.js designed to expedite project launches. It supports authentication, authorization, and an admin panel.
Node.js v22 is highlighted as the latest major version release, bringing key enhancements and becoming the new 'current' release.
An article discusses preparing codebases for React 19's release, while another provides a roundup of React UI component libraries.
Finally, ReScript 11.1, formerly known as BuckleScript, was released. It offers a heavily OCaml-inspired, typed language that compiles to JavaScript.
The newsletter concludes with a recommendation for a Desk & Office Setup Tour Video and an announcement about a community member landing React jobs with the help of the PAPAFAM. Additionally, it recommends "The Pragmatic Programmer" by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas, which covers core software development processes and techniques for writing maintainable code.